Eco-racing and biodiesel racing are steps taken by racing teams and associations to help make the world a better place, and reduce the air pollution that is typically associated with traditional car racing. Using biofuels in auto racing makes a point to the entire world that biodiesel and other biofuels are just as effective and efficient as fossil fuels, and can be an alternative fuel source that is much kinder to the air and the environment. Biofuels are biodegradable, they are safer to handle and burn much cleaner, and they still provide the power needed to be a winner. With all the advantages biofuels provide, it is no wonder that eco-racing is really catching on.

Eco Car Racing
Eco car racing has become more popular, and more race cars then ever before are using biofuels to make car racing environmentally friendly. Biodiesel car racing took place during the LeMans series this year, and Audi proved that a biodiesel race car can still stay competitive and come in as the winner. In the past, there has been concerns that biofuels would not provide the power and energy needed for a car to compete with cars using diesel and gasoline, but these worries have proven to be very unfounded, as the Audi racing team proved by doing extremely well during the entire racing series. Biodiesel fuel is an alternative fuel that is created using biomass, and this fuel is an alternative to using fossil fuels like traditional diesel and gasoline. There have been race cars that use ethanol as well, which is the biofuel alternative to gasoline. Car racing is taking on a green color, and taking steps to prevent pollution and stop global warming.

Car racing has never been thought of as a sport that worries about emissions or air pollution, but this is changing. Global warming has had a big effect on the planet, and unless steps are taken to reverse this trend the problem is only going to worsen. Eco-racing is the new face of car racing, and many racing teams are looking at alternative fuel sources that are more friendly to the environment to do their part against global warming. Biodiesel car racing has become more popular and is seen more often now. Ever since the first diesel race car was used and biodiesel was substituted for traditional diesel, the racing world has taken notice. Biodiesel allows cars to get the same power and torque that they need, without polluting the environment at the same time.

Why biodiesel car racing instead of using ethanol as the biofuel? The main reason is that many times diesel engines are used in race cars because of their durability as well as their power. Biodiesel can be used without requiring any modifications at all, and it is less flammable than gasoline, ethanol, and traditional diesel fuel, giving it a big advantage in eco car racing. With biodiesel, the damaging carbon emissions, sulfur emissions, and other greenhouse gases are lowered by around eighty percent, sometimes as much as ninety percent, when compared to traditional diesel. Biodiesel is not toxic to the environment, or to animals and people, which means an accidental spill does not cause damage or higher risks. Biodiesel can even consist of strained deep fryer fat used by restaurants to cook food, but this is not racing quality biofuel. The biodiesel used in most of the race cars involve a special mixture of traditional diesel and biodiesel, to make a racing blend guaranteed to perform just as well as straight fossil fuels.

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4 Responses to “Eco-friendly Biodiesel Car Racing”

  1. 1
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  2. 2
    props bmx Says:

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  3. 3
    Lucy Hawkins Says:

    Another great article. Keep up the good work 🙂

  4. 4
    Joanne P. Says:

    Now if they can just figure out how to get these engines to work with NASCAR cars we’ll all have it made.

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