Another source of sustainable power is ethanol fuel made from sugar cane. This technology is used widely in Brazil.

Wind Power Turbines
Many countries around the world are on a mission to find and implement sustainable power. The efforts have launched new technologies and taken scientists and ecologists into fields never before explored. Wind, solar and even nanotechnology may become the power that gives electricity to your home in the future.

Every person consumes different forms of energy and applies the energy in different ways. Some countries consume more energy than others. Most energy is spent meeting essential needs. One problem is that many natural resources are limited. As populations continue to rise, the demand for energy continues to rise as well. This is why all progressive countries are involved in the development of research programs purposed with creating alternative sustainable power technologies. Sustainable power is much like nonrenewable energy.

Today, sustainable energy is used in different ways. For instance, many hydroelectric plants have been working for more than 100 years. They are considered to be clean, creating few emissions; however, even this technology has been criticized. One cause for criticism is that when these plants are built, a good deal of carbon dioxide is released.

Geothermal power plants also fall into sustainable power facilities category. These plants can work night and day, but this energy is available only in certain areas of the world, such as the United States, the Philippines, Central America and East Africa. A positive is that the cost of building these plants has fallen substantially since the 1970s.

Another possible option is solar energy, which is derived from solar heating systems. These systems are used for domestic proposes such as heating water for swimming pools and heating homes. Solar energy can also be applied as an industrial heating solution or used for cooling equipment.

Wind power is another means of producing energy, with a high energy output and a low production cost. It encompasses less than 1 percent of world's total electricity production, but amounts to around 20 percent of the electricity produced in Denmark and 7 percent of the total electricity production in Germany. Germany has the world's largest market for wind energy. Unfortunately, due to some environmental and technical issues, it is not possible to install turbines in many areas of the world.
Other specific groups of technologies are still under development, including ocean energy, advanced biomass gasification and bio-refinery technologies.

It's important to remember that all of these projects depend on financial support and investments. Investments in alternative energy have increased significantly in recent years as many companies expect to get good returns on these investments with their increased use. Nanotechnology raises hopes for the most favorable results since it is believed to play a major role in establishing some of the latest renewable energy technologies and applications.

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