Waste Gasification Plants: Turning Waste into Renewable Fuel Source – Updated Article With Extra Information on Waster to Energy Technology
Nov 02
Are you looking for additional information on waste into renewable resources?
Syngas- burning trash and creating energyEnergy from waste
Production of green energy from municipal waste
Waste to energy pollution reduction programs in Canada
Path of municipal solid waste from waste to electricity
detailed data on waste gasification process and ultimate production outcome. Review on viability as a true and viable source of renewable energy.

The way that gasification waste to energy plants work is that under anoxic conditions the trash is subjected to extreme heat to produce syngas, which is a blend of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, and this can be used as a source of fuel. The first step is to remove bulk metals, and the rest of the waste is shredded and conveyed to a gasification chamber with a temperature of 700 ºC. In there most of it volatilizes to a complex mixture of various gases, and then it rises to a plasma torch that has a temperature of 1200 ºC. The plasma breaks up this complex mixture into simple gases, like carbon monoxide, steam, hydrogen, sulfur and mercury. Then the clean up system removes the mercury and steam, and the syngas is directed to a combustion engine generator to create energy.
Waste gasification plants have various benefits, and almost no downside, although this waste to energy technology does require a lot of initial power. Waste to energy plants that use gasification of solid waste makes a lot of sense on various levels. Just like landfills, waste gasification plants can charge for solid waste disposal and the energy generated through waste gasification can sold for profit. So, from a financial point of view this type of waste to energy plants is a good investment opportunity. They use waste gasification methods that are environmentally friendly, which makes this source of energy a lot better than fossil fuels and oil.
When looking ahead into the future, waste gasification may prove to be one of the most important sources of energy. This renewable energy source can be locally utilized, which provides many advantages to local governments and the communities. As long as there are humans, there will always be waste to be dealt with, and the traditional methods of doing that just do not cut it anymore. Waste to energy technology can turn municipal solid waste into electricity for homes and businesses, which is a giant step forward from the traditional polluting landfills. Eliminating waste and cleaning up the earth can now also mean that fuel and energy may be generated, making this a win-win situation. Waste gasification plants may also be the perfect opportunity for investment for investors who are interested in renewable energy sources.
For more information, go to:
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8 Responses to “Waste Gasification Plants: Turning Waste into Renewable Fuel Source – Updated Article With Extra Information on Waster to Energy Technology”
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hey, nice blog…really like it and added to bookmarks. keep up with good work
September 11th, 2010 at 2:37 pmHaha. Funny pictures are great for lifting up moods 🙂 Noah
August 18th, 2010 at 6:00 amI would like to know where one can find out about setting up a plant for turning waste into electicity and methane gas production.
January 20th, 2010 at 1:58 amWhat equipment one needs to setup such a plant and how big must the area be, the regulations of such a plant in South Africa
I am interesting carry out my PhD search on “Turning Waste into Renewable Fuel Source by PLASMA process”. Can you tell me, where I can to find a research center that support me?
November 22nd, 2009 at 1:10 amTanx
Can,I have a project profile for 5 MW plasma plant ?
March 12th, 2009 at 10:49 amMr. Bhattacharjee,
High Technology engineering will produce;
1 MT of MSW = 220 gallons diesel 56 CETN
1 Mt of MSW = 1.74 MW Electric Energy, enough for 28,000 homes.
Although Plasma is excellent technology, with higher technology engineering, plasma does not maximize the entire MSW component and requires additional steps adding to production cost,it is my experience that Gasification is much more efficient method and process, highly productive with very little residue, no burning or gases in emissions, and helps to keep the conversion machine calibrated with less down time for repairs and maintenance. Contact me at Niroaltenergy@gmail.com and Ill be happy to give you more information.
March 10th, 2009 at 2:30 pmSir,
I shall be glad to known
March 8th, 2009 at 7:36 am1 Whether 200 t/ day MSW is good enough for a plasma plant
It’s interesting that we refer to our municipal waste as a renewable energy source, but that is really what it is. If we could get these plants up and running across the country, it would definitely take a load off our stressed power grid.
February 20th, 2009 at 11:29 am