Municipal Solid Waste Generation: Pros and Cons – Updated Article With Extra Information
Nov 04

Municipal solid waste recycling is one of the pros of municipal solid waste generation, because items like metal and plastic can be reused and removed before burning the waste. Municipal solid waste generation is a process that is ongoing, as every U.S. household comes up with at least one big garbage bag every week. This really adds up if municipal solid waste management methods are not efficient and just end up dumping the waste somewhere in a landfill. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch has very well demonstrated what can happen if waste is not disposed of properly. So, the municipal solid waste recycling programs are a small step, but they do add to some positives to the picture.
Municipal solid waste generation can be a good thing, especially when waste to energy programs are implemented and the millions of tons of waste in landfills are turned into energy to heat and power homes and offices. It is important to control these processes carefully, however, or there can still be some resulting environmental damage. Pollution control must be strictly followed in order to stop smoke or gases from being released. But if the waste to energy plants are built correctly, environmental damage should not occur in the area.
Municipal waste to energy plants practice municipal solid waste management very well, and they can use a number of methods to turn waste into a source of green renewable energy. Some of the waste to energy methods include gasification, incineration, anaerobic digestion, and pyrolysis. As various landfill in the United States are becoming overfilled, and with a number of them having closed already, the waste to energy programs are becoming more important than ever. Waste to energy programs are currently probably the best methods of municipal solid waste management, not only because they take the excess waste out of landfills and get rid of it in a non-polluting way, but it also becomes a source of renewable energy to generate much needed electricity for our homes.
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4 Responses to “Municipal Solid Waste Generation: Pros and Cons – Updated Article With Extra Information”
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Some people have compared waste to energy plants to incinerators, which were horribly polluting. However, since then the technology has developed significantly and waste to energy plants are MUCH cleaner.
November 6th, 2010 at 10:04 amEurope and Asia are now way ahead of America in terms of waste to energy. The reasons for this is that there is less dump space in these more heavily populated parts of the world, and that they have signed the Kyoto Protocol, and so have to reduce their greenhouse gas emmissions such as those produced in landfills by decomposing waste.
November 6th, 2010 at 10:01 amYes – waste to energy plants are a double plus solution to some huge environmental problems. The problem though is catching and neautralizing the extremely toxic gases that are produced during the burning process. This has to go hand in hand with waste to energy projects.
November 6th, 2010 at 9:58 amI think that the way waste to energy plants kill two birds with one stone makes this technology one of the most interesting in the field of green energy. There is no choice for Kyoto countries now other than to reduce carbon emissions, and for small countries like in Europe there is no choice either regarding reducing landfill usage. Landfills are full or stretched to the limit!
October 27th, 2010 at 3:23 pm