1) Aura. There is a lot of indoor pollution plaguing our homes. It comes from a variety of common products, such as latex paint. This type of paint contains volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which may lead to harmful effects, from a simple headache to serious liver damage. Benjamin Moore decided to respond to this by creating the first low-VOC paint fourteen years ago, and named it EcoSpec. Only in that time, EcoSpec came in a limited color palette. So, after spending $150 million on research on R&D, the company introduced Aura in 2007, which is an odorless paint that has extremely low levels of VOCs. Besides being a much healthier option, this new paint comes in a full range of colors.

2) The Body Shop. Founded in 1976 by Anita Roddick, who unfortunately died last fall, this was no ordinary beauty shop. Fair trade was part of the mission statement of The Body Shop. It also included promoting environmental and social integrity in all its dealings and paying decent wages to workers in developing countries. The Body Shop became the first eco-sensitive, ethical company creating beauty products, making its cosmetic natural, though not necessarily organic.
3) Noonan Group. This facility services supplier in Ireland was awarded the 2010 Chambers Ireland Corporate Social Responsibility Award, which was listed under the Environment Category for a Large Indigenous Company. The CEO of Noonan Group, John O’Donoghue stated that the company is thrilled to have won the ECO Business Award. Noonan Group provides a Cleaner Greener Cleaning (CGC) by means of using green chemicals, as well as reducing their consumption of energy, water,
chemicals, and the
waste associated with providing their services.
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