One of the most enigmatic things in the world is energy. But what is associated with energy? Basically, and in one way or another, everything that we can see, touch and sometimes even think is associated with energy.
How many forms of energy exist? There are a few such as thermal, radiant, chemical, electrical and mechanical. It is difficult to put into words what energy is. It is easier to describe its manifestations. Do you want to boil some water? You need energy. Do you want to drink a glass of water? You need energy. Even thinking can't be performed without energy.
Narrowing our focus, let's look at a specific issue associated with power resources that we depend on. The matter is that the amount of energy expended cannot be more than the amount of energy there was to begin with. Basically, energy can change its forms, but the total amount of energy remains.
Energy can be divided into two types: renewable energy and nonrenewable energy. Renewable energy includes biomass energy, solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, hydro energy, and tidal energy. Nonrenewable energy includes oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear energy.
The problem is that most energy we use is taken from nonrenewable energy sources. Oil and natural gas come from the ancient remains or fossils of animals and plants, which, over the course of millions of years and extreme changes in temperature and pressure, we have been left with. The five top oil suppliers in the world are Saudi Arabia, Russia, the United States, Iran and China.
Coal is formed from the same ancient remains, having been preserved in hardened mud. Through the process of oxidization and biodegradation, it is turned into the familiar combustible black rock we know.
Nuclear energy is formed through nuclear fission. Energy is created in this process through the splitting of atoms.
With the population of the world rising, thus creating a higher demand for energy, a serious issue arises. For now, this demand can be met, mainly, with the use of nonrenewable energy sources, but there are many technologies that produce renewable energy sources as well.
Second generation technologies include solar heating systems, wind power and "flexible-fuel" (gasoline containing at least 85 percent ethanol). These technologies are an alternative for conventional types of energy resources.
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