Biokerosene may have the ability to lower jet fuel prices, but the technology is still in early stages, so it is too soon to tell. Once exhaust testing by Boeing and NASA has been completed, answers will become clear on just how much potential biokerosene has to replace or lower the cost associated with traditional jet fuel. Because this biofuel is produced using biomass energy, biokerosene is carbon neutral. Because carbon is absorbed by the biomass during growth, this offsets the carbon emissions released when the biofuel is burned. If the testing is successful, many commercial airlines and private pilots may switch to biokerosene for the lower cost and the fact that it's a greener fuel source. It may not do much at first to lower the cost of jet fuel, at least until the production catches up to demand. Just like any new technology, at first it may be pricey, but the cost will gradually go down.

Jet Fuel
Biokerosene is kerosene that is made from biomass materials, but can this biofuel lower jet fuel prices? Because kerosene is commonly used by many airplane engines as a fuel currently, providing an easy alternative would make this a possibility. Biokerosene has not been approved for full scale aviation use just yet, but it is being tested thoroughly to determine if it is possible to replace kerosene in plane engines. Testing on biokerosene for aviation use started in 2006, and even NASA and Boeing have been involved. Extensive testing is required before any changes to the current fuel used by planes are made. Aviation fuel must meet several requirements. These include reliability and the ability to be resistant to very low temperatures.

Biokerosene could lower the price of jet fuel significantly if it passes all testing and is approved for commercial aviation use. Typical jet fuel is made from petroleum products, which contribute to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and other harmful emissions. In addition, oil is controlled by some countries that are hostile toward the United States, which means that jet fuel prices, just like gas and oil prices, can be changed simply on the whim of an oil-rich country deciding to cut back on oil production. Biokerosene could be the answer to providing a lower cost alternative. Biokerosene may be able to be produced locally and domestically, which would drop transportation costs for the fuel, and the production process would provide many benefits like new jobs and increased revenues for local economies.

Aviation fuel is consumed in significant amounts, and the number of daily flights is on the rise. When gas prices started going up because of the high cost of a barrel of oil, some airlines started tacking on an additional fee for flights to help cover the cost of higher fuel expenses. Biokerosene may provide a solution to these problems because it could be produced locally so that cost is significantly reduced. Even if fuel blends were used, with a specific percentage being traditional jet fuel and a specific percentage being biokerosene, the overall cost of jet fuel would decrease. Even if mixing biokerosene with jet fuel did not lower the total cost of the jet fuel by a large amount, the other must be factored in. Jet fuel is harmful to the atmosphere and the environment. It is made from fossil fuels and produces harmful greenhouse gas emissions and particulates that contribute to global warming. Finding alternative sources for jet fuel that are renewable and sustainable is important for the future of the earth and its inhabitants.

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