Green Movement: Rooftop Farming Is On the Rise
May 07

Fruits and vegetables grown on rooftop farms are typically sold at local markets or to nearby restaurants, providing livelihood for the surrounding communities. Brooklyn Grange, the largest rooftop farm in existence, even sports a few chicken coops and more than 30 beehives, all contained in a 2.5 acre area on top of several Brooklyn buildings. New York City even provides grants, tax abatements, and other incentives to rooftop farmers.
But New York is not the only place where the sky-high farms flourish. Chicago and Boston are also known for catering to green rooftops, with Chicago laying claim to some of the earliest purveyors of the trend. In addition, farmers around Fukishima in Japan started to grow on rooftops after the 2011 tsunami rendered much of the nearby land unfit for crop growth.