Are Litterbugs Extinct?
Sep 05
Well, smog can be rolled into the ongoing struggles with alternative fuel and energy, and recycling has become more or less the norm in many modern suburbs. But, you rarely get an update about how clean our cities are as a whole. Is America still plagued by the floating trash discarded from cars, trucks and other passersby to the same degree or have we become more conscious of how to dispose of our refuse…hence the question, “Are litterbugs extinct?”
Now, one might think that litter has substantially dropped thanks to a combination of various social awareness campaigns and a significant decrease in cigarette smoking (butts account for 38 percent of all roadway litter). And for the sake of our ecosystem, local tourism and civic beauty, this incidence of this careless habit has gone down – almost 61 percent is the last four decades (this is public knowledge thanks to a large 2009 study conducted by Keep American Beautiful).
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