The increase in natural disasters is particularly alarming. Once polar caps start to melt, homeostasis is disrupted and natural disasters of all shapes and sizes begin to accelerate. Hurricanes will have more water to feed on. In addition, rising water levels will flood coastal areas, which allow hurricanes to travel further inland. Plus, scientists around the globe predict hurricanes will only become stronger and more frequent if humans don't begin reversing the process.

Green Planet
Going "green" no longer means that you feel the grip of Shakespearean jealousy. The need for environmentally green practices and technologies isn't just a trend. Despite where you stand on the global warming issue, the human race must embrace the call for pollution reduction and efficient use of clean energy. Whether it's implementing bioplastics, sequestering CO2 or just reducing your personal carbon emissions, we are entering a new era for our planet. Humans must make sure to maximize their time and energy for future generations by ushering in what can be called a green planet.

By drilling for oil and mining for coal, we have done significant damage to Earth's ecology in only a few hundred years. Harvesting fossil fuels and then burning them releases harmful greenhouse gases and carbon emissions into the Earth's atmosphere. This is no secret. What remains a mystery to the common public is how to implement renewable energy technologies and alternative fuels for a cleaner and more efficient system. This is not to say that carbon dioxide is inherently negative. It has its place in photosynthesis and the Earth's natural rhythms. However, the human race has created an excessive amount, which many believe contributes to poor air quality, an increased mortality rate and ominous climate change.

Global warming is indeed a talking point for many supposedly "green" politicians. It is true that the Earth experiences natural warming and cooling periods, but the idea that humans may be accelerating the warming process understandably creates anxiety. The more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the more solar radiation becomes trapped and the warmer the planet gets. Consequently, polar ice caps melt and habitats are disturbed. Hurricanes and tropical storms increase. Forests and the corresponding animal and plant life get shifted and deserts begin to appear in the place of healthy flora.
How can we reverse the process? Pollution reduction is a good place to start. Recycling is always an easy and helpful practice. Planting more self-sustaining gardens and watering appropriately can't hurt. Ambitious souls can even lobby the government to speed up the implementation of biofuels and clean engines technology. Read up on benefits of CO2 sequestration and bioplastics technology – a relatively new form of eco-friendly and biodegradable plastic. These are all quick and easy ways to begin mending the Earth's fragile ecosystem. Together, we can make a green planet for all our children.

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One Response to “The challenge of saving our planet: failure is not an option”

  1. 1
    green_girl Says:

    While we have no control over what factories and industrial businesses do on a daily basis, we have control over what we as individuals do. Even of one person reduces their carbon footprint, it’s a step in the right direction.

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