What Is The Most Effective Alternative Energy?
Aug 29
- There is no one single answer concerning the most effective alternative energy source, and each person may have a different view
- Algae and municipal waste to energy both show enormous potential as an effective alternative energy source
- There are many renewable sources of energy which are environmentally friendly, but each has unique disadvantages as well as benefits
There are many different sources of power available, but what is the most effective alternative energy source which is renewable, and does not cause pollution or other environmental damage? The answer to this question will vary, depending on who is being asked. There are many disagreements and discussions concerning the effectiveness of each renewable source, and every type has unique advantages and disadvantages. Solar power offers many benefits, because there is an unlimited amount available. One disadvantage of this source is that the sun does not shine all the time, and in some areas of the world the strength of the sunlight may not be sufficient. This can be an effective alternative energy source, but it is not available all the time, and can cause periods of low supply when demand is high. Wind energy also has many benefits and is a clean and environmentally friendly source of power. These generators may be restricted in their location though, because they must be situated in areas where there is a constant high amount of wind. Supply is also a disadvantage, because the wind does not blow continuously even in high wind areas, so power is not available when needed at times.
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