Is Peak Oil a Myth? 5 Reasons Why We Think So – Part 1
Jun 03
The next peak oil myth question that begs to be asked is why so many new reserves are discovered and there is skyrocketing production when we are supposedly running out of oil? Saudi Arabia, for example, continues to increase its reserves of crude oil and earlier this year their reserves hit 200 billion barrels. These reserves are enough not only to keep Saudi Arabia with plenty of oil, but to allow it to be the main producer of oil for at least the next 100 years.

1) Memos of artificial scarcity.
The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights was able to obtain confidential internal memos sent between oil giants Chevron, Mobile and Texaco. These memos talk about creating artificial scarcity of oil by closing oil refineries or limiting their capacities. All this was done with the intention of creating an excuse to raise gas prices.
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