What Is The Alternative Fuels Conference?
Dec 18
The alternative fuels conference is an annual international meeting of top experts in the fields of alternative energy, fuel, and transportation. As biodiesel alternative fuel, ethanol alternative fuel, and other forms of non-oil based fuels become more advanced the changing landscape of how we power our vehicles and equipment must be led by experts.

Exhibitors and keynote speakers discuss the newest innovations and best practices in the biodiesel alternative fuel industry as well as the ethanol alternative fuel world. Policy makers are able to share successes and setbacks with leaders from the auto and alternative fuel sectors. Automakers also bring their latest offerings and future ideas to the alternative conference to give a glimpse of the future to the auto buying public.
The alternative fuels conference attracts people from all sectors of public and private business. The green movement is moving full steam ahead and being made a priority, which makes the conference a necessity. The main goal of the conference is to highlight non-petroleum sources of fuel and to advance the alternative fuel agenda. The conference is generally a four day event held in the United States and must be registered for in advance.
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