Global Warming Effect on Antarctica
Dec 17
The global warming effect on Antarctica can have devastating results for the entire world. When ice melts and the sea rises, this leads to more moisture in the air. This means more rain and snow in other areas, and this will affect millions of people. Coastal lands of every continent may become flooded due to rising sea levels, leading to less land in an already overpopulated world. Food crops can be greatly affected, causing food shortages and starvation deaths, especially in countries that are not developed. There is also a rise in natural disasters like devastating storms, such as typhoons and hurricanes, that are caused by global warming and the Antarctic ice cap melting. Hurricane Katrina in the United States and elsewhere may be an example of what future storms will be like if we do not stop global warming now. The global warming effect on Antarctica means disaster for the entire world if we do not stop global warming, or at least greatly reduce the greenhouse gases we are putting into the air.
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