Sweden Leading in Success for Low Carbon
Aug 14
One of the main hurtles that Sweden originally faced when making the decision for low carbon emissions, is the fact that much of their economy is based on manufacturing. Their high electricity requirements came from high oil and coal usage, and they knew this had to be changed. This included replacing all nuclear capacity at the end of their lifecycle. Their success was concentrically focused and over what is considered a short period of time, they accomplished their goals. There is, however, more work to be done for Sweden to continue to reduce their carbon footprint.
Sweden currently stands as one of the examples of a country that has accomplished what they set out to do and to continue the path of excellence, they must adopt technologies that will make drastic changes for the better for both energy and their economy.
Source: http://www.iea.org/newsroomandevents/pressreleases/2013/february/name,34962,en.html
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3 Responses to “Sweden Leading in Success for Low Carbon”
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Any country that not only buys into saving the planet, but jumps in with both feet, are part of my respect circle. It sounds like the Swedish government moved ahead, against all odds, and they are doing better than most of the other countries. Now if we can get the slow moving government engine of the U.S. to sit up and take notice, that would be an accomplishment. Maybe we should invite the Swedes to a lunch or dinner at the White House?
August 11th, 2013 at 9:18 amLeave it to the Swedish to set the bar really high for low carbon emissions. I am especially impressed because they have so much of their economy in the manufacturing side, and that is notorious for being high polluters. This says a lot of about the people running the government as well as the Swedish people themselves. They are much more visionary than the U.S.
August 10th, 2013 at 9:44 pmAmerica should be taking a real hard look at how the Swedes accomplished this. They may be a smaller country, but they have really made big steps towards making their country a better leader in renewable energy than most. They are incredibly forward thinking and my hat is off to them.
August 9th, 2013 at 9:06 pm