How to Go Green At Work And Save Money At The Same Time
May 10
Speaking of recycling, that’s the very first consideration. A bin for plastic and metal, paper and the always irritating plastic bags. The next thing you have to do is look around the office to examine the areas of waste. Paper is always on the top of my list. We print and throw away more paper in most businesses than we need to. Office supply stores are now featuring a variety of paper products that are made from a larger percentage of recycled materials. Examining that printer (or printers) is another key focus. Making sure the printer you use as well as all of the other electrical products are Energy Star rated. This will reduce the amount of electricity, which saves money.
Printer cartridges are pricey. Coordinating a cartridge recycling program with the local office supply store that gives credit for the cartridges will offer savings for other items that you purchase as well. Another option is to use refillable cartridges. The price is a lot less and you can reuse the cartridges to save all around.
Encouraging your company to use fluorescent bulbs for the lighting can save quite a bit of energy. Energy Star rated bulbs can save up to 75% of the electricity used. This may be a slower process to switch the bulbs out as they are needed, but the savings will be reflected in the electric bill. Ensure that any window shades are open during the day. Using daylight instead of overhead lighting saves on the electric bill as well. Another way to save is to make sure that you turn off any power strips that are not in use. Even equipment that is turned off will draw power if the power strip is on.
While recycling was mentioned above, another way to recycle is to donate any unwanted items to a local shelter. It is a tax write-off for the company, but more than that: it ensures that it will be reused and not just thrown away.
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