Gem Biofuels is a company that is making biofuel, and this business is rapidly becoming more than just a bit player in the biofuel industry. Gem Biofuels was started in the year 2004, so it is still considered a newer company, and it focuses on natural resources that can be used for biodiesel in Madagascar. The Jatropha tree is the key to the success of this business, because this tree gives seeds that can be used to make biodiesel. Plantations of Jatropha trees have been planted in Madagascar, and the harvesting will result in large quantities of biodiesel fuel that burns much cleaner than traditional fossil fuels. With only thirty eight employees currently, this is one company that still has room to grow and expand.

Gem Biofuels
Gem Biofuels is a fairly new name in the biofuel industry, but that does not mean this is a company that does not bear watching. With fossil fuels becoming more scarce and expensive, making biofuel is the key to the future. Alternative fuel sources will become more popular and in demand over time, and when this happens Gem Biofuels is positioned to be one of the leaders in the new fuel market. The company does not create fuel from gems and jewels, but if you make a green stock investment into this company you may end up with a real treasure. That is because an investment in this business is more than just making a profit, you can change the world at the same time.

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One Response to “Gem Biofuels: Shiney New Alternative Energy Source?”

  1. 1
    Aishwarya Says:

    Its pretty evident from the post that Gem Bio fuels has been a great player in biofuel industry with its major success contributions from jatropha plantations. Jatropha is seen by many as the perfect biodiesel crop as it grows well on marginal land and requires little input and management to give good oil yield.

    Increased energy demand and cost, monetarization of greenhouse gas balance, increase in demand for an improvement of soil and lands, increased need for rural incomes, potential of inter-cropping, interest of international cooperation in large scale successful projects in this field are the factors that creates a hope that it would become one of the world's key energy crops.

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