We are currently in an era where the topic of nuclear reactors is not received with a popular opinion. While the message was very clear in the 1979 movie ‘China Syndrome’, it was then followed by an ironic twist only weeks after the release of the movie with the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania. It appears that these warnings were not enough for the government and big business energy companies, because they kept on building the reactors. Recent reports bring another layer of horror on the topic, as information has been released that Southern California Edison was completely aware of major problems on the reactors at the San Onofre installation.

Apparently, there was a secret report released by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries that exposed the fact that Edison knew about some problems that were leveled as ‘serious’ on the steam generators that were redesigned as replacements for the nuclear reactors at San Onofre. They weren’t just aware of these dangers, they knew about them years before the installation of the defective equipment and didn’t make any efforts to fix or change the problems. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Representative Edward Markey (D-MA) were directly responsible for requesting the report release by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and demanding that the public be made aware of the situation.

The report has been called a ‘bombshell’ within the industry and has undermined the credibility as well as the interest in the restart program of the nuclear plant’s crippled reactors. Edison’s plan would have allowed compensation for the plant from the California Public Utility Commission. The poor decisions on the part of Edison could have potentially endangered millions of people in Southern California, as well as the untold effect on the environment and proved that Edison had more focus on construction speed than safety.

Source: http://www.foe.org/news/news-releases/2013-03-san-onofre-report-confirms-edison-knew-about-problems

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4 Responses to “Edison Aware of Shocking Dangers for San Onofre Nuclear Reactor”

  1. 1
    CreativeGenius Says:

    I guess the first question I need to ask is: why did it take the Democratic representatives to bring this horror story to the front of public knowledge? Second question: Who made these decisions and what is the political party affiliation of the investors? Leads you to some rather seedy thoughts that pretty much match the monstrous actions of Edison.

  2. 2
    CreativeGenius: I guess the first question I need to ask is: why did it take the Democratic representatives to bring this horror story to the front of public knowledge? Second question Says:

    Who made these decisions and what is the political party affiliation of the investors? Leads you to some rather seedy thoughts that pretty much match the monstrous actions of Edison.

  3. 3
    MatterOfFact Says:

    All I can say is OMG. Edison and the people that are in their upper mucky-muck chairs should be sent to prison. They deliberately put everything at risk so that they could make their money. They probably didn’t see anything wrong with knowing they could kill and destroy, because they based it on the odds and the fact that no one would find out.

  4. 4
    BelieveInMyself Says:

    Are we shocked? Are we surprised? The companies of this country just don’t seem to learn from their mistakes and bad habits. I wonder what group of people were sitting in the boardroom saying ‘no, they won’t ever find out. And if there is a problem, we can calculate how many lives might be lost and it still will make a profit for us’. What kind of example does this set?

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