Australia has set some incredible energy goals for themselves and it looks like they are going to set themselves as a standard in the world for low carbon emissions. This is quite an accomplishment for the country, considering that they are well known as a large producer of natural gas and coal. As the world’s ninth largest in production, the goals set will include extensive renewable and sustainable energy technologies and will potentially change the way other countries approach their low carbon efforts.

Australia’s large scale energy projects currently include ocean, wind, geothermal and solar, as they make their transition to a clean energy, low carbon economy. This is an unprecedented undertaking for federal and state governments, as the requirements for technology, qualified labor, training and education and strong financial backing is quite a high level list of requirements. The low carbon goal that Australia has projected is a broad sweep change that has expanded their renewable energy visions and has created the Clean Energy Finance Corporation. The investments will encompass low-emission, renewable energy as well as energy-efficient technologies and is supported by the recent introduction of Australia’s proposal for the price for emission of carbon reforms in their electricity market. The ‘carbon price’ will need to be supplemented and monitored for additional energy-efficient policies to offer the ability of long term new technology costs and carbon capture storage. It seems that Australia has created a rather well balanced package with many strong elements and levels to their policies.

Australia has historically often been a rogue country, with visionary attitudes that seemed to be ahead of the curve. Their short and long term goals for low carbon efforts is once again giving them the advantage that may end up as a benchmark that other countries will not only use, but follow.


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