Biofuel production is on the rise and new types of biofuels are being researched every day. In 2008 alone, the world invested more than $4 billion into increased biofuel capacity, yet it makes up for less than 2 percent of the world's fuel. The excitement and potential are there, but there are also disadvantages of biofuels. Only time and research will be able to confirm or deny just how serious these issues may be. Below we break down the top 5 disadvantages of biofuels.

Disadvantages Of Biofuels
1. Land issues
Switching to mass biofuel production would cause a land battle between crops used for food and crops used for biofuel production. Opponents of biofuels say there is not enough land to produce enough crops for biofuels and food. Some experts say that the food supply would diminish greatly if the focus of crops switched to biofuel production.

2. Does making biofuels use too much energy?
Some people think so, as a few studies have found that when you factor in the energy used to grow the crops, the numbers don't look good to the tune of a 29 percent deficit.

3. Biofuel is not easy to find
Our society is so dependent on oil-based fuel that finding biofuel can be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

4. Loss of performance in vehicles
Typically, a biofuel car loses between 10 and 15 percent of its performance compared to running on gasoline.

5. Lower fuel economy
Many types of biofuels actually result in lower fuel economy when compared to their gasoline competitors. This is just another one of the disadvantages of biofuels.

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