The Truth: Global Warming Fact or Fiction?
Jan 08
Is global warming fact or fiction? That depends on whether you ask the global warming skeptics or those who believe. Global warming is a fact, but the causes and effects of global warming and whether this occurrence is natural is open to debate for many. The global warming fact or fiction argument is because some believe that man has contributed to this environmental problem while other claim it is entirely nature that is doing the job. Through thousands of years the earth has naturally had warming and cooling cycles, and global warming skeptics point this out and say that shows man is not responsible. The release of greenhouse gas emissions like methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide, as well as many others are caused by mankind though. This means more of the gases available to trap heat in the atmosphere, holding it close to earth without being released into space.
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Nice site and great text.
July 21st, 2010 at 9:11 pm