Four More Ways to Save Power in the Workplace
Sep 10

Lighting accounts for 50 percent of a commercial building’s energy bills. One easy and affordable way to cut operation costs is switching from incandescent to compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) as the latter uses 75 percent less energy. According to the EPA, this simple measure can save up to $200 for every five bulbs replaced. Of course, turning unnecessary lights off after peak hours is a huge power saver as well.
Power Down Computers, Printers, Copiers, etc.
Forget screen savers. Most of them keep computer monitors running at full power. So, kindly ask employees to put their computers to sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity and to turn them off at night along with printers and copiers. The EPA says that this can save anywhere from $50 to more than $150 annually per device (depending on the type of machine and its energy consumption).
Smart Strip power cords
According to’s “7 Energy Saving Tips For Your Business, “Smart Strip power cords sense when a device is turned off and cut their phantom power, or the power that electronics use even when turned off. They claim to pay for themselves within six weeks of use and serve as surge protectors. Smart Strips also have hot outlets, which are always on—a better option for laser printers, which are sometimes damaged by regular power strips.”
Obviously, educating employees about all the aforementioned power-saving practices is a must. But, it isn’t enough to just tell them what to do. A business leader must engage his/her employees, and get them brainstorming. After all, they spend the most time in the office and probably already have a number of ideas rolling around about how to optimize energy use and minimize operation costs. It’s your job to indulge your coworkers. Everybody will win in the end.