Is there additional information you are seeking on how to stop global warming?
How to stop global warming- part 2CO2 sequestation- removing CO2 from the global warming equation
How to prevent global warming- it's not too late

2. Unplug electric devices and appliances when you are not using them. A lot of us are completely unaware that even when a device is turned off, the cords still continue to pull electric currents. This is even more so with cords that are equipped with large AC adapter units. This is an incredible waste of electricity, which creates more pollution, contributes to the global warming problem, and costs you more money.
3. Your vehicle should be electrically powered, or at least a hybrid. Traditional vehicles contribute immensely to the global warming problem, because of their greenhouse gas emissions. If you drive a plug-in electric car or a hybrid, it can significantly reduce these emissions. So, if you want to reduce global warming, it is time to consider a transportation change.
4. Keep and eye on the thermostat at home. To help global warming, try to turn the thermostat down at least 2 degrees in the winter. If you feel cold, dress warmer inside. Do the opposite in the summer with the AC.
5. Buy local produce. If you seriously want to reduce global warming, shop at your local farmer's markets, or see if they have locally grown products in your usual supermarket. The transportation required to import products to your area may be greatly contributing to the global warming problem.
6. Be idle-free in your vehicle. There is widespread myth that allowing your car to idle is better for it than turning the engine on and off for those brief stops. This is completely false. If your car is in an idle state for over 10 seconds, you spend the same amount of gas required to restart it. Therefore, if you are stopping for longer than 10 seconds, it is highly advised to turn your engine off if you want to help the global warming problem.
7. Use fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent ones. If you change the light bulbs in you home from those wasteful incandescent ones to compact fluorescent ones, you will use nearly 60 percent less energy every month. This can certainly add up significantly! Changing all of those bulbs not only helps you save tens of dollars every month (or more) on the electric bill, but you also decrease the demand of energy, which is partly responsible for creating the global warming problem. For the original article and further information on global warming, click here
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