What are possible solutions to the Greenhouse effect?
Nov 20
As greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide emissions continue to destroy the earth there is now a very concerted effort to come up with a viable solution. The green movement has certainly put the quest for a greenhouse effect solution at the forefront of our minds, which is half the battle. The old adage of the squeaky wheel gets the grease certainly holds true, and now that going green is a priority by the government, scientific community, businesses, and individuals it will get the attention and dollars it requires.

Research and development into new technologies is a major factor in coming up with a greenhouse effect solution. Renewable energy sources such as biomass, hydrokinetic, solar, wind, and other forms are being researched and tested daily. New materials such as biodegradable plastics such as corn plastic are being tested and used by consumers and businesses throughout the country.
Europe and the United States in particular are heading in the right direction as there is an increasing collaboration between the government, private and public sector businesses, and the scientific community. Recent studies have shown that greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide emissions are decreasing and a greenhouse effect solution may not be far behind. Finding a greenhouse effect solution is will certainly take continued collaboration between all of these parties.
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