The New Trend: Sustainability Consultants
May 16

Happily, there are now educational courses that are available for an individual to extend their knowledge base and become a sustainability consultant. Some courses are available in a standard college setting, but there are many more that are available online. The demand for these types of specialists is growing exponentially. Companies now know it makes good business sense to show the public their green intentions and they can’t get to that level of success without the assistance of sustainability consultants.
There are a variety of specialty services within this consulting field. These include corporate, community and on the educational level. Within the corporate level, there have been spinoffs for every line of business imaginable: law, health, medical, etc... The growth of this particular field is experiencing a never before seen situation and as a consultant, the returns to the specialist are quite lucrative. It has now expanded out past the national level to the international arena, so that countries are seeking some of the top sustainability consultants to help them with their environmental plans.
A good sustainability consultant will be equipped with a number of tools of the trade that they learn in the educational process. These tools will be based on the direction they are heading in, the companies they are assisting and both Federal, State and Country guidelines that are required for compliance. They will have to brush up on all costs and have bottom line templates to be able to whip out with the kind of results and expected ROI that the board of directors will want to see. If you specialize in one particular field of sustainability, you will also want success story examples and contacts that will be shown on the display slides. If you think about this paragraph, it’s not that much different than the expectation level involved in any project that is proposed in any business on a daily basis.
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