Ethanol E85 is becoming more popular and widely available, but what are the ethanol fuel pros and cons with this product? What are you really getting when you pump this fuel into your vehicle at the filling station? This is a mixture of ethanol and traditional gasoline, with eighty five percent of the fuel consisting of the biofuel and fifteen percent of gasoline. Ethanol subsidies have helped this biomass fuel increase in availability as more refineries are created. Biomass is fermented, and this produces the grain alcohol which is ethanol. Because ethanol e85 only has fifteen percent gasoline it burns much cleaner and is more friendly to the earth and the environment. This fuel is not as widely available as some other traditional fuels, but steps are being taken to resolve this issue.
Ethanol E85 is becoming available in more areas of the country thanks to the ethanol subsidies that have been given, and can be used in flex fuel vehicles. Ethanol fuel pros and cons show that this biofuel does not harm the environment and is much safer and less polluting than traditional fuels. When this blend is created with cellulose ethanol there is no impact on the global food supply either, so there is no fuel versus food conflict like there is with corn based fuels. When you fill up with this option you are getting a better option, and a fuel that can make the world cleaner in the future. The biofuel portion can be produced domestically, so it will also lower the dependence on foreign oil and other fossil fuels.
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